As I finally sit down to write this I think, how can I cram everything that has happened in the last 9 days into a blog post! lol
On Tuesday April 26, 2011 around 4:20pm I received a call at work, it was the birthmother's sister in law calling to tell us that the birthmother was in labor! I called Jake and we rushed home to pack our bag, grab the diaper bag and carseat, and rush down to Bakersfield. Around 5:00 we were told the birthmother's contractions were 10 minutes apart. At 6:00 they were 3 minutes apart! We left Oakdale around 6:00. We didn't tell anyone we were headed to Bakersfield...for a couple reasons. 1. If it was a false call we didn't want to get hopes up, 2. We didn't want our phones to be ringing like crazy while we were trying to meet our new son.
About an hour down the road we got a call...He is here!!! In the background we heard baby cries! We were so excited...a little emotional (The speedometer might have crept up a bit). The birthmother's sister in law sent pictures to us right away. Cadan was 6 pounds 12 ounces and 20 inches long.
We found out that he was born 6 minutes after they walked into the hospital! So there is no way we would have made it in time anyway. We didn't mind at tall though. We were just so excited to hear he was doing great and we would meet him so soon!
We arrived at the hospital around 9:15pm and were elated to meet our son! He was so perfect in every way. The birthmother was doing great. Her sister in law and a family friend were there for support too. (Just for a laugh...I totally put my foot in my mouth when I asked the sister in law if the other woman was her mom. They looked a lot alike, but I know better than to say that! Of course it wasn't her mom and they are close to the same age. iyiyi! At least they were good natured about it! lol)
Around 10:30pm we sent a text to our family members with this picture...
Cadan Lee 6lb 12oz and 20in |
You can imagine the reaction from Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles (Many of whom were asleep before we sent the text) Everyone was so excited!
We spent about 2 hours in the room with the birthmother, then we took Cadan a couple of doors down to another room the hospital prepared for us. The hospital was so awesome! They handled everything so well and were very sensitive to the situation. We were so thankful to have our own room so we could stay and take care of Cadan overnight. He did great, like most couple hour old babies! He slept except for when we woke him up to eat. We didn't sleep a whole lot though. We could hardly believe he was here! This day we had been waiting for for so long! We ended the night with a prayer of thanksgiving to the creator of families. <3